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Our Authors

Feel free to read about and connect with Red Jack Press's stable of writers.


Steve Metcalf

Steve Metcalf has explored writing short fiction, novellas, novels, feature length screenplays and shorts. Rather than sticking to one path of style or genre, he simply follows his muse and writes whatever inspires him. From a book about the history of the video game industry to zombies rushing forth from an abandoned Peruvian mine, nothing is off limits. At RJP, we're excited (and fearful) of whatever manuscript Steve might turn in next!

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Robert S. Miller

Robert S. Miller is a writer, teacher and lawyer who enjoys the outdoors and lives in Minnesota. The author has worked at many additional jobs through the years, while paying off his student loans including warehouse, factory and janitorial work, and clerking in a liquor store. He is in the process of writing a book about his reading experiences and has drafted four novels and a number of short stories. "Sammy" is Bob's first book with RJP.

J C Skala author photo
Andrew S Okeefe author photo

J.C. Skala 

J.C. Skala insists he's in this photograph, but he won't elaborate. We assume he's either a child hiding in the trunk of the car or peeking out one of the apartment windows. While a regular contributor to The Event series of story collections, "Divot" represents Mr. Skala's first novel. He lives in Florida and spreads his free time between his loving family, music, writing and cooking. At RJP, we're always shocked and pleased to receive a story from J.C.

Andrew S. O'Keefe

Andy O'Keefe is keen to scribble notes for upcoming stories on just about any type of slip of paper and jam them into a manilla folder titled whatever he thinks the tale might eventually be called. "The Folk Devil" is an example of such a story. He compiled notes for more than eight years before opening an actual Word document and writing his own equivalent of "Once upon a time" which, in this case, was "We never found the body."

Talia MacGregor author photo

Talia MacGregor

Talia MacGregor spent a lifetime in retail, working her way up the ladder in numerous stores - both big box and specialty. During that time, she was able to snatch away minutes and hours each day to hone and refine her writing skills. "Empire of Sand" represents her sixth published book, but first with Red Jack Press. We're honored to help her kick off a new action/archaeology series with this one!

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Akino Tsumaki

Akino Tsumaki is the true embodiment of a world citizen. Born in Japan, schooled in the UK, advanced degree in Sweden, and currently living in California, Ms. Tsumaki spends her day as a freelance coder for numerous global organizations. She first developed "Ruthless" as a movie script and then later realized it worked better as a novel. This is her second published work, and first with Red Jack Press.

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