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Manuscript Submissions

Red Jack Press is open for submissions. This will only be for a limited time, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Please review our Submission Guidelines below and if you feel your work matches our needs, do not hesitate to send us a message. 
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Submission Guidelines

RJP accepts fiction book proposal submissions from authors with or without a literary agent. Please do not send a completed manuscript unless it is requested. Instead, send a query to Your subject line should be "MANUSCRIPT QUERY: (title of work)."


Your query should include:

  • A brief author bio

  • A synopsis of the story (generally 200 to 300 words in length). Be sure to include information such as the main plot, major characters and any key overarching themes of the story.


Indicate whether this is a simultaneous or unique submission exclusive to RJP. We understand this can be a challenging, emotional process. RJP strives to reply to all authors regardless of whether the query has been accepted or not within 21 days. If you have not heard back from us in that timeframe, feel free to submit your work to another publisher.


When RJP is accepting submissions, we generally review any genre outside of fan fiction, erotica, pornography and torture. Spicy scenes in your stories do not necessarily preclude you from acceptance, but it cannot be the entire frame of the work.


Our Stance On AI Content

While Red Jack Press encourages and welcomes all manner of technological achievements, we position ourselves staunchly with the goal of producing human-generated content. We do not accept submissions of any kind that were created or assisted by AI. RJP will never knowingly publish AI content. By submitting your work to us, you affirm that the content truly is yours and it is not AI-generated. Our Book Publishing Contract contains a clause mirroring this stance.

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